For new conservatory builds a solid roof can compliment the look and design of your new space, giving more of a solid house structure, as opposed to a traditional glazed roof. With a glazed roof you see up through to the sky and can feel exposed to the elements, especially during the darker and colder months of the year. With a solid conservatory roof you may find the feel of your space changes and you’ll be eager to spend more time in the room you’ve created.
The innovative materials used within a solid roof are environmentally friendly and known for their strength and durability throughout any weather. They also have the benefit of less mess from dust and dirt being trapped within roof panels and, as with a glazed roof, being viewable from below. A solid roof construction will alleviate these sorts of issues. Here at N&P Windows we like to call that ‘fit and forget’, but essentially it means less maintenance needs to provided by you and a longer life for your conservatory.
You won’t need to skimp on style or design either, as today’s solid conservatory roofs come in a range of colours and finishes, so you can match any choices to suit your current property and conservatory location. And if you’re concerned about not having as much light as you would with a glazed roof, why not consider adding glazed roof vents within your structure which will give you the addition of more natural light coming in as well as good ventilation during those warmer months.
For many of our customers a solid conservatory roof actually brings their old conservatory back to life. Repairing an old glazed roof that leaks isn’t always the most cost effective choice. Aside from giving your conservatory a completely new look, adding a solid roof may open up your current space to having more uses. If you are planning to turn your conservatory into an extension of the kitchen, a well used dining area or lounge space for example, it can feel too open and bare with a glazed roof. By adding a solid roof, the space will feel more like the internal spaces in the house and therefore be utilised more by all the family.
Typically, older fully glazed conservatories are too cold in the winter and too warm in the summer, however a solid conservatory roof can make a real difference here too. The materials used along with the careful construction of a solid roof means that in the colder months the heat is trapped inside the space, keeping the temperatures within at a comfortable level. This is good news for your energy consumption and will help towards keeping your bills lower. In the warmer months the roof will keep the sunshine off the space which avoids the room acting like a greenhouse and becoming too hot. Include vents and glazed panels to your roof to also add natural light and additional ventilation.
When considering adding a solid conservatory roof we understand that cost will be at the forefront of your mind. It is certainly more cost effective to change a roof, rather than remove an already constructed conservatory or add an extension - essentially you would be creating the same feel but with far less investment of money and time needed.
Of course, the cost to you will depend on the size of your current conservatory, or new conservatory project and will vary according to the design choices you make. Our team would be happy to discuss your requirements and help you with any advice along the way.